Information in English regarding Remote Backup

Questions and answers about Remote Backup How Does Remote Backup?

You install the Remote Backup to your computer via When the client is installed you will be asked to choose which files you want to backup. The client then creates a backup set that is copied up to our backup servers. Services has support for both PC and Mac OSX. User Guide with more detailed information you find in our file libraries: Användarguide Remote Backup


Can I access the files via the web?

Yes, you can access all the files through a web interface at This is also handy if you need a temporary file but do not have your computer with you.


Can I restore backed up files from different dates?

Yes, the client that you install on your computer you can easily choose to retrieve one or more files from different dates to a specified folder.


Does the Remote Backup Incremental backup?

Yes, you can choose whether the client is only backing up changed files / folders, so-called incremental backup.


Do I worry about my data falling into the wrong hands?

No, all data is encrypted locally before it is compressed and copied to our backup server. Data remains encrypted and can only be read by the user's password.


Is it possible to backup databases?

There is an extended version that handles backup server including SQL, Oracle, Exchange and more. Contact if you want more info about the expanded capabilities. If you need more information in english about our service "Remote backup" - Please contact our customer service Phone: +46 455 555 88 Email:

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